Sunday, July 27, 2008

Picky Eater

So, Noah's doctor told us at his 15 month appointment that we really needed to force the issue and make him switch to regular food. Yes, Noah still wants his baby food. We have tried 3rd foods, Graduates, mashed potatoes, bean, etc. I've listened to advice from everyone I know. He'll eat pancakes, biscuits, toast, and peanut butter sandwiches without a fight. He cries through almost every bite when we feed him anything else. It is sooo frustrating. Everyone says that as soon as their baby tried regular food, they didn't want baby food. Not mine. Did we wait too long or is he just stubborn? I'm leaning towards stubborn.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks

Okay so we didn't eat peanuts and Cracker Jacks, but we had a great time. Sunday, we took Noah to his 1st major league baseball game. We joined some friends for the Astros vs. Cubs at the Juice Box. The thing is Daddy is a Texas Rangers fan. Don't think for a minute that the Astros fans will let him forget that Noah's 1st baseball game was an Astros game. The Astros lost which of course made him happy. I guess Jeremy and Chris brought Ranger karma with them.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Trip to the Rio Grande Valley

Noah and I just returned from a week long visit with my family in the Valley. Jeremy had to work in Kansas so it was just the 2 of us. I learned the best way to travel long distances with him is leave around 6 pm. It worked great. I had no problems.
Anyway, it was a fun-filled week. My sister has moved back so Mom's house was packed with kids. We went swimming almost everyday, played outside tons, visited Gladys Porter Zoo, and ventured to South Padre Island. We had a great time, but I'm glad to be home.

Handsome Boy!

Rebecca Marie

Watching TV in Jerod's room.

Make the 3 year old do the work.

Time to cool off.

The Valley sure is hot!

This is a real smile not gas!

Watching the gorillas play.


Visiting relatives.

As much as they like to fight over who has what toy, at least they still love each other.

Crocodile Hunter!

Lovin on Pepaw.

Can you believe that Noah is a year younger than Rebecca?

Petting Zoo.

She brushed it once and then wouldn't have anything else to do with them.

Get me out of here!!!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What is that falling from the sky???

If you don't already know, we have been needing rain for the past month and a half. We still do. It seems to rain all around us. It dropped 5 inches less than 10 miles away not long ago, and we saw nothing. On Sunday, when we got a late evening shower, we went out on the front porch and moved the flowerpots out so they could get some rain water. Noah stepped out several times and because we don't have gutters, he got soaked. I decided to strip him down to his diaper. I even took off his shoes. He loved it. He ran out from under the porch and then back in. He walked around to the other side of the vehicles and splashed in the puddles. He came back under the porch occasionally to play with the wind chimes and watch Daddy blow bubbles. It was a nice cool down.

Washing Up

I learned at the end of the school year that before each meal the kids would climb a step ladder and wash their hands. So, we decided to get one for the bathroom. Now, all we have to say is "Let's go wash your hands", and he heads for the bathroom. We setup the step ladder, and he climbs up on his own. He even leans over to the faucet before we turn it on. He is really learning to do so much these days.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Splash Pad

In Tanglewood Park, there is a splash pad. Which basically is a slab of concrete that sprays water. We took Noah, and he had a great time. We stay about 30 minutes and would have stayed long if someone had pooped on it. We won't go back for a little while. I'm glad I put him in watersocks.

What Wii did for July 4th

In the past, we have all gone to Rob's lake house. Well, last year that was out for Jeremy & I because Noah had just been born. This year the was damage to the pier and bulkhead because of high winds around Lake Limestone this Spring. So, I thought we could have a backyard BBQ with good friends. Well, the BBQ was great thanks to Jeremy, but no backyard. Instead, after we ate Duane hooked up the Wii. We had a great time playing. As for Noah, he didn't know what to think of all the people in his house, but he was well behaved. Amazingly, he went to bed easy. The fireworks put on by the church behind us didn't even wake him up. It was another great 4th of July with good friends and good food.

Duane (the Pro) beat Jeremy in tennis.
The guys playing Mario Carts.

Duane & Denise against Chris & Casey.

Once again, Rob ate too much. He's in a food coma.